Wednesday, January 27, 2010

make up ThAT Lasts..

every Gurls wear make Up..its just a matter of how much make up they put On..
i honestly admit that i wear make up wat..normal lah if pakai powder,a little bit of blusher and mascara right..nampak lah cun cket.. there's nothing wrong if one wears make up for personal kn..gurls have always been wandering on how to ensure that make up is long lasting even myself.make up that lasts have always been troublesome for me n i bet for some other gurls too..well..there's always a solution for every prob..take note ladies..

solving steps:
1. Moisturize
Moisturizing is one of the most important steps you can do even before you think about putting on your makeup. When moisturizing, your skin will help absorb the makeup and also keep it in place. If you apply concealer without moisturizing, your skin will just flake, and you’ll end up with blochy, dry spots.

2. Primer
Second most important step in makeup durability is the primer. Choose a silicone-based primer which is amazing at helping to keep your makeup in place all night long. The silicone primers will give your skin a silky smooth finish and will also make sure your foundation stays put.
3. Prep the Eyes
Before putting on eyeshadow, make sure you cleanse your lids and then proceed with a thin layer of foundation. This will ensure that you don’t get those nasty creases.

4. Powder
After you’ve applied your foundation, finish off with a matte powder to put everything in place and so that your foundation doesn’t come off.

5 Healthy skIN rules to live by..

attention ladies!!!
here are 5 golden healthy skin rules you should live by:

1) always wash off your make up before u sleep..

2) protect your skin(apply moisturiser n foundation with spf sunray protection)

3)keep your skin healthy(vit c)

4)do Exfoliate because it sloughs off the dead skin cells that build up on your skin that contributes to dark complexion

5)keep hydated by drinking plenty of mineral water..

ps:pandai je aku nie nasihat owg tp diri sendiri tk bwat..heheheh

MissEs,Hugs n kISSes

yOu're never somethIng tHat I nEVEr chOose
BuT At the same time somethiNg I doN't want To Lose
you're The BesT Thing i never knew I needed
when you were hErE i Had no idea
you're the best thing i never knew i needed
now it's clear I need You Always
ps: my heart, hugs and kisses goes along with this dedication:)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

ps: i ok

Cun Saja by Sleeq
Lagu ini bukan di radio setiap hari untukmu
Lagu ini tidak perlu kau kembali kepadaku
Lagu ini hanya ingin kau fahami ku sudah teruskan hidupku
Semuanya cun saja
Tak perlu tinggalkan pesanan
Tak perlu buat panggilan
Ku tak perlu lagi kalau kau cuba mintak maaf
Lupakan sahajaDiriku cun saja
Duduk di rumah seorang saja
Menulis lagu cintaMenggunakan kisah ini tuk ceritakan
Alyph:Cun hidupku kini cun saja
Sejak kita memang cun semuanya
Sejak pisah itulah permulaannya untukku berhati-hati dgn buayaNgap ngap pendirianku tegap
Jumlah kali kita bertengkar memang genap
Untuk aku ke tahap ini silap
kita memang patut sama-sama kene sepak pak pak
Tapi bukan niat aku tuk salahkan dirimu
Aku sedar ku juga ada kekuranganku
Tapi kalau bersifat mementingkan diri sendiri untuk kebaikkan bukan kurang ajar itu
Duduk di rumah seorang sajaMengarang lagu cinta
Dengan mengembalikan kisah kitakan tapi jangan perasaan
Walaupun ini bab yang baru ada masa arah ku tak tentu
Tetap rindu kehadiranmu, tidak patutKerna ku takut

Lagu ini,Tandanya kamu masih sayangkan ku
Walaupun sudah tidak bersama lagi
Lagu ini,Tandanya ku masih rindukanmu
Walaupun sudah tidak bersama lagi
Lagu ini,
Dengan lagu ini ku ingin memberitahu kamu bahawa ku okay
Aku okay
Lagu ini,Dengan lagu ini ku ingin memberitahu kamu jangan cakap tak boleh

Ps: i really like this heart is so into this song

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Who's that Gurl?

she hadn't given a choice..
the choice was made for her..
was the people making the Choices For her own welfare?
if it was,shouldnt she be making her own decision..
but no...
Natrah was victimized...poorly...unfairly...
her islamic beliefs, her islamic marriage had being taken away from her unwillingly..
is this justice?? Natrah now

me-iStana Budaya-Natrah

ps: my heartfelf thanks to my sis for the ticket..


my late nite to do list...

1) go to muamalat for a shower..(aduh,jauh pulak nk g mandy but i hv 2 so dat 2nite i can sleep soundlly,cleaner,fresher,'wangi'er...wajib!!!!!!!)
2) clothes ironing 4 2morrow's class
3) bag packing to KL..
4) solat( wajib!!!!!!!)
5) applying nite cream(wajib!!!!!!!!)
6) berangan...
7) Beauty sleep!!!!!!!!!!(a 100% must)


he's so adorable...
he's so 'berwawasan'..
he's so different...
he's so amazing..
he's so one of a kind..
the one n only Tun Dr mahathir..
(can't wait to meet him this thurs:)yayay!!!!!!!)


no Scholarship...wat else..huhu
everything just seems to go wrong this days...huhu
worsen from day to day..
no long hour of cold shower anymore...
no shopping..
no nothing..
but life gets tougher n challenger when ur study table main plug just goes dysfunctional every now and then..
which means..
no laptop..
no dusty table kipas..
which results in..
-a seriously major boredom with nothing to do besides lazying on the bed 24/7
-gets suffocated with a little breeze of 'angin kipas' thanks to the double decker bed which contributes to this..
this is what some people may called it parcel of student's life..
i guess its true..
but it's making me insane!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

5 leTTer word...

Date: 16 January 2010
time:7.36(baru je lepas azan Maghrib)
venue: AlurLu's bedroom
mood: 5 letter word

-happy cause stomach full(baru je lepas mkn 'Moi sup')
-happy cause.............adalah...hehehehe
-yang penting 'kITA HEPI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I Hear,songS of the montH

Kelly Clarkson-Already Gone
Rihanna-Russian Roulette
Kesha-Tik Tok
Tokkio Hotel-Monsoon


me and cAmera?..
we're not besties nor are we enemies..
but we get Along well wIth 'it' other..but da truth behind it all..
i m actually pretty shy in Front of 'it'..sumTimes it comes 2 mind how amazed it is that Sum people are just naturally born with the beauty camera poses..
ok2,maybe what i need to pose like supermodel do in the probably just some practice or maybe a liittle bit of direction(take note muiz n ivan..hehehe)
but these photographers that i know of have it takes to make it all da way to success..(good luck guys)

ps:these photos taken at cuping are credited to ivan and muiz from 'Perfect Catch'.(GOOd Job Guys!!!)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

If OnLY wE Can read Men's MiNd

isn't cool if we can actually read men's mind...
if we can ,will there b less BrEAk-uPS in relationships?(this question always pop in my mind,not every seconds though..only duRing lonely moments before i set off to sleep or during the rainy wheather where sometimes u just feel empty without the special 'He' in your life as it was like before)...
if i were given the special ability to read men' s mind...hopefully, i will get the answers to these questions that men always avoid to answer whilst we women are just eagerly to know..

1)do you easily get over something u leave behind???
2)why does it that you guys always takes things for granted???
3)why does it always seems like ur just ignorant???
4)why is it that you guys can hardly keep up the pace with text messaging wherever you go hanging out with your friends..(cth:i kat luar nie,nanty kita msg k..)if we women can have the time to , why can't u..(eg: i kat luar nie syg,u dah mkn?)
5)do you just feel happy and relieved without our presence..(this will be hard for us to deal with but sometimes we just have too's simple...we love u and we just wanted to see u happy)

Monday, January 4, 2010


..promise to write...write...and write in this Blog as often as i can despite my laziness...(i'm this lazy freak whenever it comes to switching on my laptop or even networking on fb or some sort)..
..promise to become bloggerfriendly(oh god, please make me into 1)
..promise to make my blogger besties(yun2,alurlu,ceha,sharlu and mia) as My blogger idol..hahaha
..promise to unreveal there is to know about me... perhaps my status updates.(we'll c)