Sunday, January 10, 2010


me and cAmera?..
we're not besties nor are we enemies..
but we get Along well wIth 'it' other..but da truth behind it all..
i m actually pretty shy in Front of 'it'..sumTimes it comes 2 mind how amazed it is that Sum people are just naturally born with the beauty camera poses..
ok2,maybe what i need to pose like supermodel do in the probably just some practice or maybe a liittle bit of direction(take note muiz n ivan..hehehe)
but these photographers that i know of have it takes to make it all da way to success..(good luck guys)

ps:these photos taken at cuping are credited to ivan and muiz from 'Perfect Catch'.(GOOd Job Guys!!!)


  1. lol! had so muc fun doing dis wit u guys.tengs to ivan n muiz =)

  2. ala madi,d0nt worry if u r n0t born wif d beauty camera p0ses bc0z u r already beatiful n s0 sweet..;) (jgn kembang oke!!)

    xsemua org dlm gmbr cantek tp bt0l2 p0n cantek..
    so,biarla xf0togenik jnji bt0l2 ko cun beb!!;)))

  3. 2:)ala2 jdi model sehari gtu..hehehhe

    alurlu: ko nie..blushing aku tau..heheheheh:)
    ko pon apa kurangnya(jgn kembang lak tau)
