Wednesday, January 27, 2010

make up ThAT Lasts..

every Gurls wear make Up..its just a matter of how much make up they put On..
i honestly admit that i wear make up wat..normal lah if pakai powder,a little bit of blusher and mascara right..nampak lah cun cket.. there's nothing wrong if one wears make up for personal kn..gurls have always been wandering on how to ensure that make up is long lasting even myself.make up that lasts have always been troublesome for me n i bet for some other gurls too..well..there's always a solution for every prob..take note ladies..

solving steps:
1. Moisturize
Moisturizing is one of the most important steps you can do even before you think about putting on your makeup. When moisturizing, your skin will help absorb the makeup and also keep it in place. If you apply concealer without moisturizing, your skin will just flake, and you’ll end up with blochy, dry spots.

2. Primer
Second most important step in makeup durability is the primer. Choose a silicone-based primer which is amazing at helping to keep your makeup in place all night long. The silicone primers will give your skin a silky smooth finish and will also make sure your foundation stays put.
3. Prep the Eyes
Before putting on eyeshadow, make sure you cleanse your lids and then proceed with a thin layer of foundation. This will ensure that you don’t get those nasty creases.

4. Powder
After you’ve applied your foundation, finish off with a matte powder to put everything in place and so that your foundation doesn’t come off.


  1. wahhh..a very useful tips!i'll mke sure to f0llow those steps!
    pasni kekal la mekap..xde la cair lagi...hehee

  2. perghh ceknah..
    goOd guidance..
    thumbs uP!!

  3. atiqah: heheheh..confirm beb..pasnie cun lah make up aku with minimal touch-ups..hahah:)

    mr hakim: thanks2:)

  4. wawaaa..huhu..leh jdik pro advisor laa.dga cter ko usha gamat nye product ke??hik...btw,ak da folo ko.ble ko na folo ak blik???**dgn nada yg sangat seyes.hak**
