Thursday, February 25, 2010



my first impression of her..


she's one pretty gurl..

n sekrg

she's even prettier both in the inside and out


she's like a precious diamond..

n im holding on to it tightly..dun ever wanna lose it..

cz...inside this diamond is a heart..

of a loving hearted gurl that loves her man, her anak buah, her parents, her siblings,her besties

of the most understanding bestie(i can practically tell her bout anything..tq for your support)

of a great motivator (u have always given me positive motivation.tq cyg)

of a cekap bakal suri rumah..heheheh..insyaallah..(i will always pray the best 4 u dear)

of a very sensitive person(her tears are very valuable)

of a humourous gurl..(trust me..this gurl can win Raja lawak with her fellow bestie zeha..hehe)

of an easy going gurl...(she loves eating..hehehe)

of a very humble girl..

of a gurl that has motherly touched and feelings..(to any1 close that she noes)

in overall..she's fun to be with..just like my with other 5 besties..:)

dear diamond...

dun ever stop shining k:)



  1. oh my dear,my beloved mate i ever have in my life...
    tq 4 such appreciation..but diz is t0o much syg..
    i'm still imperfect n there r flaws here n there inside out of me..
    but anyhow,anyway..i luv u baby..
    u give me such love n i give it back to u..
    thnx 4 being such a gud n best partner of my life..

    P/s: u r a gud listener n motivator too.u r my source of inspiration, u noe?.thnk u so much dear.:)

  2. heheheheh
    u r one true precious diamond for me and for the rest of SExy7..

    ur welcome
    nobody can ever replace u in sexy 7:)
