Saturday, February 27, 2010

what do u see???

what do guys really c in a gurl that walks by them???
i noe2...i bet this would be their typical response..(wah..cun ar pompuan 2..)
this would be seldom response (wah,sweet/cute/baek/sedap mata memandang ar pompuan 2)
this dun surprise me..(guys..dun deny this..its ur nature)
well, you know why..
this is cz basically guys would look at pretty things all in the same way..
easier the eyes of all guys,pretty would be the first attraction..
i wonder..
how many of them that does look things differently???
i mean beyond prettiness?
i bet only minor of them does..


  1. but there're always few percent not actg like that...
    the best is by looking from the inside...
    looking for things from the past, present and for the future....
    me, a man looking for someone to fulfill my imperfection...

    chill :)

  2. and.. maybe once they thought.. that girl will be "the missing rib"?
